The New Graduate Scholarship recognizes stellar graduates from CAHIIM-accredited HIM associate or baccalaureate degree programs in Ohio. This scholarship program reimburses the certification examination fee for the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) or Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT). Each educational Program Chair may select one graduate per academic year to receive the scholarship.

*New in 2024* OHIMA has published guidance to aid Program Directors in selecting your program’s New Graduate Scholarship recipient. The recommended criteria to evaluate students include the following: 

  • academic success
  • financial need
  • volunteerism
  • engagement and passion for HIM

Recipients of the New Graduate Scholarship are required to sit for the RHIT/A examination within four (4) months of graduation to be eligible to receive the award. For questions about this scholarship, please contact the OHIMA Central Office.  Program Chairs should use the form below to submit their scholarship recipient before the deadline of May 1st.

As a way to honor the New Graduate Scholarship recipient, we ask that you submit a short paragraph about your student. This should include information such as the student’s accomplishments, plans for future, etc. – along with their headshot. OHIMA will publish this information in an eblast to OHIMA's membership to honor the student!


(to be completed by Program Chairs only)